Newsletter 29th September 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
Bonjour! Hola! Nǐ hǎo Czesc! Buna ziua! Hallo!
On Tuesday this week we joined in with all the schools across the Ebor Academy Trust to celebrate our ‘Language Day’! Pupils and staff in Brotherton and Byram Academy had lots of opportunities to listen to, and to try speaking, different languages. In EYFS, children practised speaking in Spanish and then sang familiar nursery rhymes in Polish. In KS1 children have been trying greetings in different languages and learning the days of the week. They also read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ in French!
Further up school, children played language games and made their own bookmarks in Polish and Latvian. We have a number of pupils who are from different countries and it was wonderful to encourage them to share their language and teach us some new vocabulary! We all came together at the end of the day to share our learning, play language games and listen to music while singing in different languages from around the world. Why not ask your child what they learnt and see if they can teach you a new word?
In other news, we have recently received a number of concerns from parents and residents in our community about unsafe parking. Keeping our children safe is at the forefront of all that we do at Brotherton and Byram Academy. May I also take this opportunity to remind all of our parents who are driving to school to ensure that they plan plenty of time for their journey and to park safely on the roads around the front of our school. It is an offence to park on the yellow zig-zig lines in front of the school. Furthermore, please do not park on the double-yellow lines without a blue badge for disabled access.
In order to help keep our children and families safe who are walking into school, please can I encourage you to walk to school whenever possible. Alternatively, can I please ask you to consider parking at the parish hall in Byram and then walking down over the pedestrian bridge at the back of school to help reduce congestion at the front of our school.
Yesterday, our local PCSO School Liaison officer Joe Spooner came and delivered an assembly to our children on road safety. He has shared some information posters which I attach to this newsletter. Moving forwards, I will be asking our ‘class champions’ to put their heads together to help keep pedestrians in our community safe so watch this space! I have also asked the council to respray the crossing markings and to provide road safety materials. If you have any concerns or would like to speak to me, do not hesitate to come and find me as always!
Together we achieve more, Mr Greene
Our school target is 97%
This week our attendance was 95.72%
Nidd – 100%!!
Aire – 92.96%
Ouse – 94.76%
Derwent – 98.26%
Foss – 98.10%
Calder – 97.20%
Humber – 87.06%
Safeguarding Thought of the Week
This week we have been speaking to our children about their safe adults. Safe adults are the people who they can turn to in times of worry, stress or crisis. safe adults can include;
- Parents/carers
- Family members
- Teachers
- Police Officers
- Medical professionals
It is important for children to recognise who their safe adults are as they are likely to change depending on their situation; at home, at school or when out playing in the community. Please discuss with your children who their safe adults might be. For further information around safe adults please visit;
Dates for your diary:
Wednesday 4th – Friday 6th October 2023 | Team Foss Residential to Kingswood Peak Venture |
Thursday 5th October 2023 | Flu Immunisation Reception to Year 6 |
Friday 6th October 2023 | Team Humber Sharing Assembly 2.45pm. Parents/carers, please join us and find out what the children have been learning. |
Wednesday 11th October 2023 | Teams Esk and Nidd trip to National Emergency Services Museum, Sheffield |
Friday 13th October 2023 | Team Calder Sharing Assembly 2.45pm. Parents/carers, please join us and find out what the children have been learning. |
Please ensure you pre-book school lunches and breakfast club on Parentpay 48 hours in advance of the day required.
Family First Link