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Newsletter 10th May 2024

Posted On 25 May 2024
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Friday 10th May 2024

Look Aim Send!

The children in Team Ouse have been working through their topic ‘look-aim-send’  this term in PE. They’ve really enjoyed these sessions recently and they’ve been using small balloons to pass between each other with their rackets and a partner. The children in Year 2 are making fantastic progress with this and having lots of fun!

In Year 6 the children have been working hard in Art to make their own botanical drawings. They all concentrated really hard and created some wonderful illustrations that have shown off their new skills at the end of their unit of work. Here is an extract from Olivia’s botanical book, which really impressed us. Well done Team Humber!

Furthermore, I want to send my best wishes to all of our pupils in Team Humber for next week as they take part in their SATs. The children have all worked very hard this year and this is a great opportunity for them to shine! Be sure to rest well and enjoy this weekend; we are very proud of all of you! Lessons next week for the rest of school will continue as normal.    

In other news, we have had a really strong partnership this year with Super Star Sport Wakefield who have been running our lunchtime and after-school Sports clubs. The children have really enjoyed these fun active sessions. This half-term, at the end of May, they will be running a local sports holiday club. Have a look at the flyer below for more information. 

Take a look further down the newsletter for other updates and things happening over the next few weeks in school and in the wider community. 

  Have a great weekend and see you next week,  Mr Greene


Attendance Update

Our school target is 97% 

This week our attendance was 94% 

Nidd –  96%                            

Aire – 96%                                                                                     

Ouse – 98%

Derwent –96%

Foss – 98%

Calder –  96%

Humber – 95%

Dates for your diary:

W.C. Monday 13th May Year 6 SATs Week
W.C. Monday 20th May Year 2 SATs Week
Monday 20th May – Wednesday 22nd May 2024 Year 6 Residential to Scarborough
Friday 24th May 2024 15:15 Break up for half term
Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May 2024 Half-Term – School Closed

Please ensure you pre-book school lunches and breakfast club on Parentpay 48 hours in advance of the day required.

SCHOOL LUNCH MENU – NEW MENU With effect from 8th April 2024


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