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Newsletter 3rd May 2024

Posted On 25 May 2024
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Friday 3rd May 2024

Roman catapults at Brotherton and Byram!

This week we have been very busy all across school enjoying lots of new learning. 

In Year 3 this week, the children have been learning about catapults as part of their History topic on the ancient Romans! The children have studied facts about catapults and then they had a go at designing and making their own using elastic bands and lolly sticks. The children absolutely loved this really engaging session and they can remember lots of facts about catapults now. They even had a go at taking them outside later on in the week to practise firing them! 

The children in Year five have been learning to name and identify the different parts of plants. I was very impressed by their knowledge when I popped in to see them this week. Well done Team Calder! Meanwhile, in Team Aire, the children have been practising their writing skills and they have re-written the story of the enormous turnip. The children changed the vegetables and the characters and created their own stories with lots of imagination. We were really impressed with their ideas! Well done Year 1!        

Take a look further down the newsletter for information about upcoming events and things in the wider community. There is also a job vacancy with GFM at the school. Don’t forget that it is a bank holiday this weekend and the school will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday 6th May 2024. We’ll see you back here on Tuesday. 

  Have a great weekend and see you next week,  Mr Greene


Attendance Update


Our school target is 97% 

This week our attendance was 94% 

Nidd –  96%                            

Aire – 95%                                                                                     

Ouse – 95%

Derwent –95%

Foss – 95%

Calder –  93%

Humber – 95%

Dates for your diary:

Monday 6th May Bank Holiday – School Closed
W.C. Monday 13th May Year 6 SATs Week
W.C. Monday 20th May Year 2 SATs Week
Monday 20th May – Wednesday 22nd May 2024 Year 6 Residential to Scarborough
Friday 24th May 2024 15:15 Break up for half term
Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May 2024 Half-Term – School Closed

Please ensure you pre-book school lunches and breakfast club on Parentpay 48 hours in advance of the day required.

SCHOOL LUNCH MENU – NEW MENU With effect from 8th April 2024

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