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Boromi Play Library at Brotherton

Posted On 24 Nov 2024
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Working in partnership with Boromi, we are thrilled to be launching our very own Play Library at Brotherton and Byram Academy. 

Did you know that by the age of five, 85% of our brains are fully grown? We never learn more, or faster than we do over our first five years and playing and chatting together is the rocket fuel that helps our brains to grow and that is why we are so excited to be part of this opportunity!

Our Play Library is being launched, initially in the EYFS, for children in Team Esk and Nidd. It includes a collection of play bags where each term you will be able to freely borrow, take home and explore these together with your child. We will then receive a new set of play bags every half-term, so your children can continue to explore and learn new things across the full academic year! 

Parents and carers, we’d love to know your feedback. If you have already borrowed a play bag, please let us know what you and your children think!

Happy playing!


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