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Newsletter 13/1/2023

13/1/2023 Dear Parents/Carers, This week has absolutely flown with another good week of learning. Our Year 3 children had the opportunity to visit a synagogue in Leeds this week and thoroughly enjoyed the experience, asking lots of questions. In school we had our first Phunky...
Posted On 13 Jan 2023
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Phunky Food Project

This week some of our Phunky Food Champions invited their parents in to make healthy pizzas.  We are looking forward to our champions sharing some great recipes with the whole school this year!
Posted On 13 Jan 2023
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Year 3 Visit to Sinai Synagogue

Team Derwent have visited Sinai Synagogue in Leeds to learn all about Judaism. We were extremely privileged that the amazing people at Sinai allowed us to have a close up look at the sacred Torah, wear their traditional kippah and tallit and even had the chance to create our very...
Posted On 13 Jan 2023
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Young Voices

Our Young Voices choir was in fine voice last Thursday when they joined around 4500 other children from around the region to sing their hearts out at Sheffield Arena.  Songs were sung, dance moves were busted and amazingly they were all still awake when the bus returned to...
Posted On 13 Jan 2023
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Newsletter 6th January 2023

  6/1/2022   Dear Parents/Carers, Happy 2023! I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.   It has been great to see all the children back and settling into their learning routines. We also welcome Miss Smythe in Year 5 and Miss Heron who is working in...
Posted On 06 Jan 2023
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Newsletter 14 December 2022

14/12/2022 Dear Parents/Carers, As we start our last week of term, I wanted to say a massive ‘thank you’ for all the support you have given school since we came back from the summer break.  The term has flown and the children have worked incredibly hard. We also have some very...
Posted On 17 Dec 2022
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Online Parenting Workshop

  Copy of Free Online Parenting Workshop York Flyer (1)
Posted On 09 Dec 2022
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Newsletter 9th December 2022

9/12/2022 Dear Parents/Carers, The children have done us all proud this week with two brilliant Nativity performances by Early Years and Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Carol Concert.  It has been so lovely to be able to invite parents to be there.  We finish the week with Year 4...
Posted On 09 Dec 2022
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What a great Nativity performance!

    It has been two years since we have been able to have parents come in and watch our Nativity play but it was well worth the wait! We are so proud of our Early Years and Key Stage 1 children who did so well.  Even though the children were nervous, they absolutely shone. Thank...
Posted On 07 Dec 2022
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