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Covid-19 Notification over Half Term

Dear parent/carer Please remember to contact us if your child tests positive for Covid-19 over the half-term holiday. This will enable us to identify anyone in our school who may be classed as a contact as soon as possible. Please email and advise the name of...
Posted On 22 Oct 2020
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School Update 16/10/2020

A Message from the Headteacher… Hi everyone, Fridays seem to be here before we know it.  This week every class has focused on our black history week and all have learned so much.  Next week we are having our ‘Big Draw’ focusing on line drawing and showing off what the...
Posted On 16 Oct 2020
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Good morning, Now that we are all used to using the one way system, we will be changing the drop off time as from next Monday (19/10/2020) to: Drop off between 8.30am and 8.50am.  This will allow time for children to wash their hands and be ready to learn by 9am. Collection times...
Posted On 16 Oct 2020
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National Poetry Day

On National Poetry Day, each team enjoyed sharing some of their favourite poems – we had everything from nursery rhymes to Edgar Allan Poe! Some teams even had a go at writing and performing their own poems.   Sharing a poem in Humber Class        ...
Posted On 15 Oct 2020
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World Mental Health Day

Practising a breathing technique called ‘Helpful Hands’ in Humber Class   Aire discussing what mental health means   Derwent Class
Posted On 15 Oct 2020
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Harvest Celebrations

Even though we couldn’t make it to church this year, each team still enjoyed plentiful harvest celebrations! Across school our children learnt about how food grows and where it comes from, along with the importance of sharing with others in need. As we couldn’t bring...
Posted On 15 Oct 2020
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National Fitness Day

National Fitness Day is the most active day of the year and the day to celebrate the role that physical activity plays across the UK. It is a day when people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities come together to celebrate the fun of fitness. In KS1 we worked really hard on...
Posted On 15 Oct 2020
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School Update 09/10/2020

A Message from the Headteacher… Good afternoon, It has been a busy week in school with walk to school week, phonics parents meeting, harvest festival and world mental health day today.   We will share photos of our harvest festival in classes on the website and we are...
Posted On 09 Oct 2020
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Remote Learning Policy

Dear Parents/Carers, When children and their families have to self isolate during the pandemic, we want to make sure we have a robust remote learning policy in place so that every child does not miss out on learning as a result.  We will share guides of what school will do in the...
Posted On 08 Oct 2020
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Walk To School Week

This week it is ‘Walk to School Week’ so don’t forget to walk to school if you can!
Posted On 06 Oct 2020
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