School Update 25/06/2021
Good afternoon everyone,
It has been a really good week of learning in school, even with another bubble closure. Thank you yet again for parents’ support with remote learning and supporting each other to get siblings into school. We are really looking forward to seeing all our children back in Nidd and Esk next week and will be just as excited to see all of Year 5 back the following week.
Next Thursday, reports will go out to parents. I have loved reading them. I always think this time of year is so special, celebrating children’s achievements throughout the year and looking forward to their learning in their next year group.
We normally have an evening after school when parents can pop in to discuss reports if they need to but unfortunately we will not be able to do this this year. Instead, teachers (except for Year 2) will be available from 3.45-5pm online the following Monday (5th July) to discuss any concerns you have. We will confirm early next week when the Year 2 meetings will be. From Thursday evening you can book a slot like you did for parents evenings. But, this is not an additional parents evening, just an opportunity to discuss anything written in the report.
The weeks are flying by. We only have two weeks left before children transition into their new year group. It will be the summer holidays before we know it.
Have a good weekend,
Mrs Fletcher
Our school target is 97%
This week our attendance was 95.79%
Nidd – 100% (Remote Learning)
Aire – 97.59%
Ouse – 93.33%
Derwent – 96.35%
Foss – 98.85%
Calder – 84.68% (Before Bubble Closure)
Humber – 95.53%
Monday 28th June – Individual & Class photos taken in class by the teacher, to be shared with parents via Parenthub
Monday 28th June – STEM week starts
Thursday 1st July – School reports sent out to parents
Reminder that the Reception New Starters meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday 7th July at 16:30 on Zoom.
For school lunches week commencing:
Monday 5th July, please use the pre-booking system on ParentPay by Sunday 27th June.