School Update 22/11/2021
Hi everyone,
I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend.
We only have four weeks left of this term and I have no doubt it will be a crazy four weeks up to Christmas. Fingers crossed everything we have planned can go ahead.
This week we have parent teacher meetings online. If you have not signed up yet, please speak to your class teacher as they are such valuable meetings for both parents and teachers.
Because of parent teacher meetings, I am postponing our planned parent forum this week until next Tuesday (30th November) at 5pm. I will also be finding other times to meet with parents to get your views and work together to improve our school even further.
Just a reminder key things planned for the next few weeks:
Friday 26th November 2.50pm – Year 1 Sharing Assembly
Wednesday 1st December – Years 5 and 6 are visiting Hob Moor School in York for a Chimp Play looking at wellbeing.
Thursday 2nd December 2pm – Key Stage 2 Carol Concert in church. All classes will attend. Please join us if you can.
Friday 3rd December 2.50pm – Year 2 Sharing Assembly
Tuesday 7th December 2pm and 5pm – Early Years and Key Stage 1 Nativity Performances in school. Information has already gone out regarding tickets.
Friday 10th December 1pm – Influenza immunizations for those in Reception – Year 6 who have signed up
Friday 10th December 2.50pm – Year 4 Sharing Assembly
Monday 13th December – Christmas Disco:
Esk and Nidd – 3.15-4.00pm – please bring party clothes for children to change into at the end of the day. Parents can collect at 4pm
Key Stage 1 – 4.15-5.15pm – collect from classroom doors
Key Stage 2 – 5.30-6.30pm – all children must be collected regardless of whether they have permission to walk home as it is so late finishing. Children to be collected from normal collection points
Wednesday 15th December – Christmas Lunch: Please see information already sent out. It will be a crazy day but it will be so good to share lunch with parents. I have no doubt there will be lots of parents who want to join us so please anticipate there may be some wait time for lunch, particularly in between sittings.
Friday 17th December – Christmas Jumper Day then we finish for the Christmas holidays at 3.15pm.
As the number of COVID cases is rising across the country, to reduce risk and allow us to have events in school before Christmas, please can I ask you to wear facemasks during events in school. I just want to make sure we are doing everything we can to allow events to go ahead and not ruin anyone’s Christmas by contracting COVID.
So, a very busy few weeks ahead!
Looking forward to seeing you all at events over the next few weeks,
Mrs Fletcher
Our school target is 97%
Last week our attendance was 94.91%
Nidd – 93.02%
Aire – 98.91%
Ouse – 98.08%
Derwent – 97.83%
Foss – 94.38%
Calder – 84.13%
Humber – 99.43%
Please ensure you pre-book school lunches and breakfast club on Parentpay 48 hours in advance of the day required.