Newsletter 10th November 2023
Creepy Crawlies spotted in Team Aire!!
Creepy crawlies and minibeasts have been seen in Team Aire this week following the arrival of the super engaging ‘Zoo Lab’ team! Children in Year 1 had the opportunity to learn about a wide range of insects and small animals during this fun and interactive session. They also were able to handle all the animals with supervision from the experts. Some children were very brave! Thank you Miss Catterall for inviting them in and organising such a wonderful event.
Meanwhile, in Team Foss this week, the children have had a visit from some dental hygienists. During the session the children learnt about good dental hygiene like how to brush their teeth and how to eat a healthy diet to help look after their teeth. The visitors also set the children an exciting tooth-brushing challenge and will be back again in 4 weeks time to see how the children are getting on. Thank you Miss Thompson for inviting them in.
As part of our drive to raise the engagement levels of our children in sport and active learning we have also had Super Star Sports in providing new lunchtime clubs. Following the success of the taster sessions, the Super Star team are now in at lunchtime twice a week offering football and handball sessions to all children in phase age-groups. The children have really enjoyed the sessions so far and I have also invited the group in to run some after-school clubs moving forward so watch this space!
Also, I want to say thank you for your support and engagement with us as a school as we seek to renew our Relationships Education programme (RSE Curriculum). As always, we are very grateful for your feedback and comments as we continue to shape the future of this very special learning community.
Lastly, you may have seen our Christmas Events poster that came out this week. If not, please see a copy of it below on this newsletter. We are delighted to be able to invite you to a range of exciting activities and events. We do hope you will be able to join us. If you have any questions or would like to find out more, do not hesitate to speak to myself or another member of staff. Have a wonderful weekend!
Together we achieve more,
Our school target is 97%
This week our attendance was 93.69%
Nidd – 98%
Aire – 97%
Ouse – 85.86%
Derwent – 97%
Foss – 97%
Calder – 89.12%
Humber – 88%
Safeguarding Thought of the Week
Online Safety
As the nights draw in more children will be taking more to their internet enabled devices and spending more time online. We understand the important role that technology plays in our lives and the connections it can bring. However, as a school we are also aware of the risks to children when going online. Below is some information about keeping your children safe online and where you can access further information;
Online Gaming – What are the risks? Cyber bullying, talking to unknown people, in-game purchases and trolling.
Social Media – What are the risks? Sharing their location or personal information, talking to people they don’t know, sending or receiving inappropriate content, unrealistic sense of body image and obsessing over likes and comments.
Accessing the internet – What are the risks? Viewing inappropriate and explicit material, talking to unknown people, sharing personal information
When talking to children about their online activity we recommend that you speak to them regularly and use a non-judgemental approach. For tips and advice on talking to your children about online safety and lots of other advice about how to keep your children safe online please visit;
Dates for your diary:
Monday 13th November 2023 | Start of Anti-bullying week |
Monday 13th November 2023 | Children’s Individual School Photos |
Wednesday 15th November 2023 | Fire Brigade visit EYFS Teams Esk and Nidd. |
Friday 17th November 2023 | Children in Need – Non Uniform Day – Children can wear non uniform and bring in a small donation for charity. |
Team Ouse Sharing Assembly 2.45pm. Parents/carers, please join us and find out what the children have been learning. | |
Monday 20th – 24th November 2023 | Parent teacher meetings online this week – please book your slot on the Parent Evening System |
Please ensure you pre-book school lunches and breakfast club on Parentpay 48 hours in advance of the day required.
Commences Week beginning 6th November 2023
Commencing Week beginning 6th November 2023
Starting primary School and junior school
Apply for your child to start school in Reception or transfer from infant to junior school