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Newsletter 19 May 2023

19/05//2023 Dear Parents/Carers, It has been quite a couple of weeks! Last week our Year 6 children completed their SATs and showed such courage and resilience and tried so hard.  We are so proud of them. They have then been on their residential to Scarborough this week and have...
Posted On 19 May 2023
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Well done Year 6!

Well done to all our Year 6 who have finished SATs today!  They showed great courage and resilience and we could not ask any more of them.  They really shone and we are so proud.  Well done team!
Posted On 12 May 2023
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Newsletter 5 May 2023

05/05//2023 Dear Parents/Carers, I hope you all had a lovely May bank holiday last weekend and are looking forward to our additional bank holiday this weekend for the King’s coronation. Thank you to all who came to our belated Mothers Day afternoon last Friday; we have had some...
Posted On 05 May 2023
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Newsletter 20th April 2023

20/4/2023 Dear Parents/Carers, Welcome back to our summer term.  The sun has started to shine a little bit more and it is definitely starting to get warmer which is good news after what feels like a very wet and cold winter and spring so far. It has been lovely to see the...
Posted On 25 Apr 2023
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Growing a love of reading

Our Early Years children had a visit from North Yorkshire Libraries to grow their love of reading.  They loved listening to books they hadn’t seen before.  Their favourite was ‘Fancy Dress Jungle’!
Posted On 20 Apr 2023
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OMG Healthy Start Scheme

OMG Healthy Start Scheme New 2023 (1)
Posted On 19 Apr 2023
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Easter Service

We had a wonderful time in church celebration Easter.  The children all performed beautifully and it was such a good end to our spring term. Thank you to everyone who could join us. Have a lovely Easter.
Posted On 31 Mar 2023
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Easter Dance Eggtravaganza

Looking for something exciting for your child to do over the Easter Holidays? Need childcare while you’re at work? Dance Elite has got you covered with our Easter Camp! Your child will enjoy different styles of dance, as well as indoor and outdoor activities. Our goal is to...
Posted On 29 Mar 2023
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