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School Update 21/05/2021

Good afternoon everyone, We are nearly coming to the end of the first half of our summer term which has gone so quickly! We have had another good week in school, with children learning so much.  It is such a pleasure talking to children about what they have learned and what they...
Posted On 21 May 2021
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Look At Our New Orchard!

We have planted an orchard as part of our Global Goals project and to celebrate working together to stay strong through the pandemic.  There are lots of leaves and flowers on them so hopefully we will get some fruit growing soon. We have also planted some more fruit trees in Key...
Posted On 18 May 2021
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Headlice Alert

We have again received reports of head lice in school. Please check your children’s hair this evening. Should you find live lice or eggs, please treat, as necessary. Your local pharmacy can give advice on the most effective treatment for your child. It is important to check...
Posted On 17 May 2021
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School Update 14/05/2021

Dear Parents/Carers, We have had another busy week in school.  This week we have focused on mental health as part of a national ‘Mental Health Awareness’ week.  The children have taken part in lots of activities around this theme and have even more strategies now to deal with...
Posted On 14 May 2021
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NSPCC Number Day

NSPCC Number Day  Friday 7th May 2021 Last Friday as a school we had lots of fun taking part in the NSPCC number day across school. Each class had a go at taking part in some active Maths games together as a team. We had a focus on helping to improve children’s fluency by playing...
Posted On 12 May 2021
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School Update 07/05/2021

  Dear Parents/Carers, I hope you all had a good long weekend, albeit a very cold and rainy one.   We have had a busy week in school this week finishing off with our ‘National Number Day’ today.  Children have been busy with lots of active maths challenges and have really...
Posted On 07 May 2021
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Year 6s:  Transition to High School

Year 6s:  Transition to High School At this time of year, many of the Year 6s quite naturally start to think about their move to high school in September.  In school, we do everything we can to support our Year 6s in making the transition into their new setting as smooth as...
Posted On 06 May 2021
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School Update 03/04/2021

  Monday 3rd May – Bank Holiday, school closed Friday 7th May – NSPCC Number Day     For school lunches week commencing Monday 10th May, please use the pre-booking system on ParentPay by Sunday 2nd May   Our school target is 97% This week our...
Posted On 30 Apr 2021
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British Values Week

Last week, the whole school celebrated British Values week. The focus for this week was  ‘Individual Liberty’ and ‘Mutual respect and tolerance of different cultures and religions.’ We learnt about choices and different families, same love in KS1 and about...
Posted On 26 Apr 2021
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School Update 23/04/2021

Dear Parents/Carers, I hope you have had a good week.  This week in school we have looked at British Values; please look out for a post on our website to see what classes have been doing. Our learning theme this term is ‘Taking Responsibility’ and during the term children’s...
Posted On 23 Apr 2021
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