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School Update 01/10/2021

  Dear Parents/Carers, What a rainy week it’s been, I don’t think I have seen so many children with soggy clothes coming in to school, but all with smiley faces! The rain hasn’t put us off learning and we’ve done lots of exciting things in school....
Posted On 01 Oct 2021
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Little Wandle Update

Dear Parents/Carers, We had hoped to have a meeting with parents this evening regarding teaching children phonics using a new programme called ‘Little Wandle’.  Unfortunately resources have been delayed so we will have to postpone the meeting until after half term. We will then...
Posted On 27 Sep 2021
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School Update 24/09/2021

Good afternoon, It has been really good to have our first get together this afternoon with parents in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support.  For those parents who could make it, we hope you enjoyed our first whole school event.  It was for such a good cause too.  If you couldn’t make...
Posted On 24 Sep 2021
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MacMillan Coffee Afternoon – Friday 24th September

We would like to invite you to come in and read with your children then join us as we take part in the World’s Biggest Coffee Afternoon in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support.  Please join us from 2.30pm for reading outside. Coffee will be served in the main playground from 2.45pm to...
Posted On 23 Sep 2021
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Online Safety

Keeping children safe online is so important.  If you would like to learn how to make sure they are safe, please see the workshop information on the attached leaflet. Parents and Carers Workshop Leaflet
Posted On 23 Sep 2021
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School Update 17/09/2021

Good afternoon, What a busy week we have had in school!  School trips have started, with Year 6 going to Pontefract racecourse and having a great time.  Swimming sessions have started for upper key stage 2 and we have had our first after school clubs for well over 18 months.   We...
Posted On 17 Sep 2021
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Brotherton Calendar Dates Autumn Term 2021

Dear Parents, Please see what is happening in school this term. As you will see, we are planning for parents to join us in school. We have been cautious so some activities (for example, Christmas fair) will not be happening this year but there are plenty of other opportunities...
Posted On 17 Sep 2021
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School Update 10/09/2021

Good afternoon, Everyone has had a really good start to our new academic year this week.  Children are settling into routines well and there has been some great learning happening.  We are cautiously starting to introduce things back into our routines and curriculum that ...
Posted On 10 Sep 2021
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Temporary Catering Staff Vacancies

Good afternoon Please see the attached adverts for temporary catering staff for our school kitchen, which are required as soon as possible. Thank you. Brotherton Temp Vacancy 20hrs Brotherton Temp Vacancy 15hrs
Posted On 08 Sep 2021
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Welcome Back!

Dear Parents/Carers, I hope you have all had a wonderful summer.  We are all really looking forward to seeing the children tomorrow and hearing about what they have been up to over the holidays.  We have some great things planned for the children and cannot wait to get started!...
Posted On 06 Sep 2021
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