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Dates for your Diary

Friday 10th February 2017 Foss Sharing Assembly 2.45pm – Please come and join us to share our children’s learning. Friday 17th February Ouse and Aire sharing assembly 2.45pm – Please come along and join us to share our children’s learning. Break up for...
Posted On 02 Feb 2017
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Brotherton and Byram School Logo

Chinese New Year Friday 27th January

Friday 27th January 2017 Chinese New Year Celebration in school. Year of the Rooster.   Please come and join us from 2pm and take part in our learning with themed activities to celebrate Chinese New Year.
Posted On 24 Jan 2017
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Brotherton and Byram School Logo

Parking Information

Monday 16th January 2017 Dear All, The school has been informed by the parish council that double yellow lines will be painted on Low Street in the near future. This will obviously mean that there will be no parking on those lines and on the verges. Parents will have to park...
Posted On 16 Jan 2017
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Brotherton and Byram School Logo

Christmas Nativity Tuesday 13th December at 6pm

All children will be taking part in our Christmas Nativity service on Tuesday 13th December at St Edwards Church. Everyone is welcome to join us for this special celebration and to join us for refreshments afterwards. Children must be at church for 5.30pm, ready for the service...
Posted On 02 Dec 2016
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Brotherton and Byram School Logo

Special News

Christmas will soon be here and we have some news and changes in school to share that will be happening in school over the next few weeks and in the new year. We are very pleased to tell everyone that Mrs Jeff is expecting her second child.  This is very exciting news and we are...
Posted On 29 Nov 2016
Brotherton and Byram School Logo

A massive thank you!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the volunteer readers who have been coming in to listen to our children read across school. We are seeing a massive improvement in the children’s reading fluency and this is therefore having a massive impact on their...
Posted On 25 Nov 2016
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Science Magic!

Come and join us for an evening of Science magic on Monday 28th November from 5-7pm! All are welcome. If you have any friends/neighbours who would like to come and have a look around the school and our Nursery please bring them along too! We look forward to an exciting evening! ...
Posted On 23 Nov 2016
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Brotherton and Byram School Logo

Children in Need

A huge thank you to all those who supported our non-uniform day on Thursday 17th November to help raise funds for the BBC Children in Need appeal. We are pleased to announce that we raised £112.70! children-in-need-poster-18-11-2016  
Posted On 22 Nov 2016
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Headlice Alert 11th Nov 2016

We have had some reports of headlice in school again. Please could you check your child’s hair and treat if necessary. Many thanks
Posted On 14 Nov 2016
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Brotherton and Byram School Logo

Christmas dinner!

Our Christmas dinner will be held on Friday 9th December from 11.45am. Parents are welcome to join their children. Orders must be in by Friday 18th November please. We look forward to seeing you there!
Posted On 07 Nov 2016
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