All smiles at Sports Day 2015!
On Friday, the whole school got their sports kit on to show off their skills at Sports day. In the morning all the children competed in a range of multi-skills activities in their coloured house teams. Some of the activities included beat the goalie and the Limbo. This was a great chance for the older KS2 children to support the KS1 children and work together as a team.
At lunch, it was the much talked about Parents/Staff Vs Y6 rounders match. The reigning champions, the parents and staff were feeling confident however Year 6 started strongly and scored 3 rounders. The staff and parents desperately tried to beat this but they were no match and only scored 2 rounders. Well done to Year 6!
In the afternoon, it was time for the races and all children competed against their class in a range of races (Skipping, sprint, egg and spoon.) All the children throughly enjoyed this being cheered on by parents and their peers.
Thank you to all the volunteers at FOBBS for the raffle and refreshments. We raised £240 which will be put towards new football goals.
Also thank you to all parents for coming and supporting this event.