School update 18.10.19
Dear Parents
What’s Happening Next Week…
Halloween Disco – Tuesday 22nd October
EYFS – 3.15pm to 4.15pm
KS1 – 4.15pm to 5.15pm
KS2 – 5.15pm to 6.15pm
There will be a £1.00 admission charge which will be payable on the door. Hot dogs, crisps, sweets and drinks will also be available to buy.
Because children are now settled in school, we are trying to give all our children including early years independence so that parents don’t need to stay. We will get children changed in early years so please bring their party clothes in a bag at the beginning of their session along with a named envelope with £1 in and another named envelope with spending money. KS1 & 2 children will need to be collected by an adult at the end of their disco, including the children in KS2 who have permission to walk home.
If your child is in the morning session of Nursery and would like to come to the disco in the afternoon please bring them in their party clothes at 3pm along with the £1 entry and a named envelope with their spending money.
Diwali Themed Day and lunch – Friday 25th October
The children will enjoy a day learning all about Diwali and then have a Diwali themed lunch.
Derwent Sharing Assembly – Friday 25th October
We will also be having our Derwent sharing assembly on Friday 25th October. We would love parents of Derwent class to come and join us at 2.45pm. We hope lots of you can make it.
Attendance update:
Our school target is 97%
Both Ouse and Calder got an amazing 100% this week – well done classes Ouse and Calder!
This week our attendance was 96.05%
Nidd – 97.31%
Aire – 98.26%
Ouse – 100%
Derwent – 93.2%
Foss – 93.75%
Calder – 100%
Humber – 92.73%