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Out of the Classroom Day

We had a great time on Friday, planting trees as part of the ‘Wild at School’ and the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Canopy project.  We had help from Mr Johnson from Groundworks who kindly donated some trees to school and taught the children how to plant and look...
Posted On 07 Dec 2022
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Newsletter 2 December 2022

2/12/2022 Dear Parents/Carers, It has been another good week in school.  Thank you to everyone who came to our celebration of learning event after school on Tuesday.  We have had some very positive feedback. To finish the week, we have had an ‘Out of the Classroom’ day and every...
Posted On 04 Dec 2022
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Newsletter 24 November 2022

Thursday 24th November 2022 Dear Parents/Carers, Thank you to everyone who signed up for parent/teacher meetings this week.  We have had some very positive feedback from teachers.  They have really enjoyed discussing your child’s progress with you.  If you missed the meetings,...
Posted On 04 Dec 2022
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Yorkshire Dance Festival

On Sunday, some of our children performed in the Yorkshire Dance Festival at the University of York in front of over 1,000 people!  The event saw over 15 schools perform, including some of our other Ebor schools. After weeks of practise they were ready and made us all ver...
Posted On 23 Nov 2022
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Cross Country Superstars!

Children from Key Stage 2 represented our school in a cross country event with other primary schools in the Selby area on Friday.  It was a great event and every child was amazing, trying hard and doing their best.  We have some children who will go to the next round which is...
Posted On 23 Nov 2022
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Newsletter 18 November 2022

18th November 2022 Dear Parents/Carers, We have finished our week with a very busy day (Children in Need and Key Stage 2 Cross Country).  The children came in very excited today for both events. Thank you for sending in donations and raffle prizes.  We really appreciate your...
Posted On 18 Nov 2022
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Children In Need

  Thank you so much for all your donations to ‘Children in Need’.  It is such a good cause. We raised £118.54!
Posted On 18 Nov 2022
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Year 1 had a visit from some crazy critters!

  Team Aire had some special visitors in school. Eleanor from ZooLab introduced us to Colin the cockroach, Noodle the snake, Speedy the snail and Splat the frog. Team Aire enjoyed holding and touching the different animals while learning interesting facts about each one....
Posted On 16 Nov 2022
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Newsletter 11th November 2022

11 November 2022 Dear Parents/Carers, Life in school is really good and all children are working very hard.  This week, our Year 1 children had a treat with Zoolab coming in to speak to them which was really good.   We are finding lots of ways to give children more responsibility...
Posted On 13 Nov 2022
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Newsletter 4th November 2022

4 November 2022 Good afternoon, I hope you all had a lovely half term break.   We have started back well this week with lots going on.  On Tuesday our Year 2 children had a ‘Victorian Day’, dressing up as Victorians and finding out what it was like to be a child in Victorian...
Posted On 13 Nov 2022
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