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School Update 10.02.2020

What’s Happening This Week… 10th February 2020 Dear Parents, It is our last week before half term and this week we are focusing on keeping safe.  Tomorrow (Tuesday 11th February) we have an open morning from 10.30 to 12. Please come and join us if you can and bring a favourite...
Posted On 31 Jan 2020
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Scooters and Bikes

Could we politely ask parents/carers to ensure that scooters and bikes are not ridden in the school grounds for the safety of our pupils, families and visitors. Thank you.
Posted On 28 Jan 2020
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School Update 24.01.2020

A message from the Headteacher … Dear Parents, Today the children have been learning about Chinese New Year which has been great fun, finishing off a great week of learning.  Thank you to all parents who joined in with their learning this afternoon.   Thank you also to parents...
Posted On 24 Jan 2020
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Head Lice

We are writing to inform parents that there have recently been a few cases of head lice identified in school. While lice are nothing more than a nuisance, it is important that children are checked on a weekly basis so that any head lice can be dealt with quickly and before they...
Posted On 23 Jan 2020
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School Dinner Pre-Ordering

Dear parents/carers Now that our new school dinner pre-booking procedure is up and running on Parentpay we would like to remind you that ALL school dinners must be pre-booked, regardless of your child’s year group and whether or not they are entitled to free school meals. Orders...
Posted On 17 Jan 2020
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School Update 17.01.2020

A message from the Headteacher … Dear Parents, We have had another great week at school with children very excited about our new curriculum focus of ‘Our World’.  Please check the website on our curriculum page to see what the children will be learning this term. Dates of events...
Posted On 17 Jan 2020
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Brotherton and Byram School Logo

Calendar Dates for the Spring Term 2020

Please see our calendar dates for the Spring Term, we hope you can join us for our events coming up in school. Calendar Dates For Spring Term 2020
Posted On 17 Jan 2020
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Parking outside school

Dear Parents, I recently sent out a message regarding parking illegally and dangerously outside of school and the worries we have about the safety of our children walking to and from school.  Our local residents and businesses are also very concerned as they are frequently having...
Posted On 16 Jan 2020
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Mad Science After School Club for KS1 & KS2

The deadline for registrations for the Mad Science after school club has been extended to Friday 17th January. If you would like to sign your child up before Friday please see details below on how to do so. Thank you. “Mad Science came to School on Tuesday 7th January...
Posted On 15 Jan 2020
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World Book Day

World Book Day is, again, quickly approaching. This year, World Book Day will be held on Thursday 5th of March and we have decided to use the opportunity to get our teeth stuck into some poetry across school. Each phase has been allocated a selection of poems which the children...
Posted On 15 Jan 2020
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