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Update from Mrs Fletcher

Dear Parents/Carers. Welcome back to school, I hope you had a good half term. It has been so good to see all the children back in school and all have come back with great enthusiasm! In light of the lockdown announcement on Saturday, I am really pleased the government have chosen...
Posted On 03 Nov 2020
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School Update 23/10/2020

A Message from the Headteacher… Have a lovely break everyone.   Thank you for all your support this half term. Keep safe and see you all in a week. Mrs Fletcher     What’s Happening After Half Term… Monday 2nd November – Children return to school from half...
Posted On 23 Oct 2020
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School Dinners – After Half Term

Dear parent/carers, After half term our menu will be changing and a hot meal will be the daily option. Please log on to ParentPay to look at the menu and pre-book your meals. If your child does not want the hot meal option please ensure your child has a packed lunch for that...
Posted On 23 Oct 2020
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Covid-19 Notification over Half Term

Dear parent/carer Please remember to contact us if your child tests positive for Covid-19 over the half-term holiday. This will enable us to identify anyone in our school who may be classed as a contact as soon as possible. Please email and advise the name of...
Posted On 22 Oct 2020
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School Update 16/10/2020

A Message from the Headteacher… Hi everyone, Fridays seem to be here before we know it.  This week every class has focused on our black history week and all have learned so much.  Next week we are having our ‘Big Draw’ focusing on line drawing and showing off what the...
Posted On 16 Oct 2020
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Good morning, Now that we are all used to using the one way system, we will be changing the drop off time as from next Monday (19/10/2020) to: Drop off between 8.30am and 8.50am.  This will allow time for children to wash their hands and be ready to learn by 9am. Collection times...
Posted On 16 Oct 2020
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School Update 09/10/2020

A Message from the Headteacher… Good afternoon, It has been a busy week in school with walk to school week, phonics parents meeting, harvest festival and world mental health day today.   We will share photos of our harvest festival in classes on the website and we are...
Posted On 09 Oct 2020
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Remote Learning Policy

Dear Parents/Carers, When children and their families have to self isolate during the pandemic, we want to make sure we have a robust remote learning policy in place so that every child does not miss out on learning as a result.  We will share guides of what school will do in the...
Posted On 08 Oct 2020
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What’s happening this week!

  What’s happening this week… Walk to school week Tuesday 6th October– Phonics Fun at Home- how to teach your child phonics session – via Zoom at 5.30pm – Link on Parent Hub  
Posted On 05 Oct 2020
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School Update 02/10/2020

A Message from the Headteacher… Hi everyone, Apologies today for our phone lines and internet being down.  What did we do before the internet! Another good week in school with National Poetry Day yesterday and lots of things happening next week including our Harvest...
Posted On 02 Oct 2020
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