School update 11.10.19
Dear Parents
A message from the Headteacher…
Well, another great week in school, albeit another rainy week. We have been keeping school happy and bright with lots of visitors on Thursday. It was lovely to share learning with so many grandparents and we think everyone went away having learned a little bit more! The kitchen staff prepared and served a great lunch too.
The children were great advocates for the school and having our visitors gave them another opportunity to show what amazing learners they all are.
We have had a busy sporting week too with football and cross country. All children tried their hardest in both events and it is great that we have a child going forward to the next round in the cross country events.
It is also good that most children are coming in to school on time every day and it would be great if all children came in on time so they don’t miss any learning. If you have a problem getting your child in school on time, please let us know if we can help in any way.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Fletcher
What’s happening next week…
Flu Immunisations Wednesday 16th October
The school nurses will be in school to give flu immunisations to those whose parents have given consent. They have informed us that the online consent is now closed and that there has been a low uptake on consents. We will be sending out a consent form so if you would like to have your child immunised please complete the form and return to school by Tuesday 15th October. The flu immunisations are for the whole school.
Ouse Sharing Assembly – Friday 18th October
We will be having our Ouse sharing assembly on Friday 18th October. We would love parents of Ouse class to come and join us at 2.45pm. We hope lots of you can make it.
Other news..
The after school clubs that are running this term will continue after half term with the exception of the dance club which will finish week commencing 21st October.
Halloween disco – the times have changed for our Halloween disco to:
EYFS – 3.15pm to 4.15pm
KS1 – 4.15pm to 5.15pm
KS2 – 5.15pm to 6.15pm
There will be a £1.00 admission charge which will be payable on the door. Hot dogs, crisps, sweets and drinks will also be available to buy.
Because children are now settled in school, we are trying to give all our children including early years independence so that parents don’t need to stay. We will get children changed in early years so please bring their party clothes in a bag at the beginning of their session. KS1 & 2 children will need to be collected by an adult at the end of their disco, including the children in KS2 who have permission to walk home.
Young Voices – we still have places on the Young Voices trip. If your child would like to take part please speak to Mrs Caffrey. Payment and consent can be given on ParentPay.
KS1 Eureka Trip – Although the Eureka museum have kindly extended our deadline for payment we are still lacking in contributions and may still have to cancel the trip. If you would like your child to go on the Eureka trip we would really appreciate your support in enabling this by contributing on ParentPay. Thank you.
Attendance update:
Our school target is 97%
Calder got an amazing 100% this week – well done Calder!
This week our attendance was 94.87%
Nidd – 97.14%
Aire – 95.83%
Ouse – 96.25%
Derwent – 90%
Foss – 93.75%
Calder – 100%
Humber – 92.73%