101 things to make you smile!
We want to share some ideas to do together at home that children, parents and teachers have found great to do in case you are running out of ideas. So, here is our second thing to add to your list of activities to try at home that will make you smile (hopefully!).
The sock game (warning very addictive and competitive)
You will need:
2 long socks
Pairs of small identical items (or larger depending on age)
Some pieces of card or paper
Set up
Write a description of each item on a separate card or piece of paper.
Fill each sock with one of each of the items. Each sock MUST have the same things in it.
How to play
Each player has a sock.
Draw 3 – 5 cards from the pile.
3 -2 -1 go and each player sticks one hand in the sock and rummages around to find the items on the cards.
First player to find all the items on the cards and remove from the sock is the winner.
You must only remove one item from the sock at a time. Removing a handful to look for an item results in disqualification.
This can be made into more than a 2 player game to suit your family. Adding a magnet and lots of metallic objects makes the game very interesting. Vary the size and amounts of the objects to suit ages / families. This can be played indoors or outdoors.
Mrs Caffrey