School Update 07/10/2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
This week we have had our first residential in over two years and it has been amazing! Providing these kind of opportunities for children to shine in different ways outside of the classroom is so important and this trip has proved that. We have seen great leadership skills, team work, kindness and courage in every child. They have grown in confidence trying challenges that have pushed them out of their comfort zone.
In school, some of our children have also had the opportunity to meet the police and fire brigade this week too.
So, a very busy week.
Next week we have ‘Mental Health Awareness Day’ on Monday and will be focusing on mental health in classes throughout the week.
To finish next week, we have our Harvest Festival in church at 1.45pm. All classes will be presenting ‘World Food’ and singing autumn songs. We will be collecting tins and dried food for Knottingley Foodbank. If you would like to donate anything, please can children bring any items in on Friday morning. Afterwards we would like to invite you to see our reading orchard and allotment and have a cup of tea in school. I hope you can join us.
Thank you for helping us to make this half term so full of opportunities for all our children.
Have a good weekend,
Mrs Fletcher
Our school target is 97%
This week our attendance was 93.44%
Congratulations Team Foss on 100% attendance
Nidd – 86.42%
Aire – 95.55%
Ouse – 97.31%
Derwent – 91.30%
Foss – 100.00%
Calder – 98.46%
Humber – 94.29%
Monday 11th October – Mental Health Awareness Week
Thursday 14th October – Police visit to talk about Halloween & Bonfire Night safety with Years 3, 4, 5 and 6
Friday 15th October – Harvest Celebration afternoon at 1.45pm in Church. Please join us to celebrate Harvest and our Global Goals project.
Friday 15th October – World Food Day
Please ensure you pre-book school lunches and breakfast club 48 hours in advance of the day required.