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Jono Lancaster visit Brotherton and Byram Academy!

Posted On 22 Feb 2024
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On Monday 19th February to start our ‘Diversity Week’ with the theme of ‘Additional Needs’, Brotherton and Byram were visited by Jono Lancaster. Jono has a condition called Treacher Collins Syndrome. Jono delivered an assembly to the whole school and spoke about his story, sharing with the children about how he had been called names, bullied, stared at, pointed at and been left out. Jono’s message to the children was clear; that we are all different but we should treat each other with respect and kindness. Jono spent the day with classes, allowing children to ask questions and talk to him about his condition. 

On his Instagram account (@jonolanc) Jono shared a video of his visit to our school with his 300,000 followers which had a really positive impact on him. He also shared another story that when he showed his hearing aid, one of our pupils who also wears a hearing aid, was very excited that they both had one!

Thank you Mrs Jeff for organising and thank you Jono for coming to share and inspire us all!

Mr Greene

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