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Newsletter 3rd March 2023

03/03/2023 Dear Parents/Carers, We are finishing our week on a high with our celebration of ‘World Book Day’ today.  It has been a great opportunity to share a love of reading and what everyone’s favourite book is.  Our whole day has been focused on reading and what is special...
Posted On 03 Mar 2023
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24/02/2023 Good afternoon, Welcome back, we hope you all had a good half term.   It has been great to have the children back in school this week and they have made a really good start to this half term’s learning.  This week our Year 4 children have been on a very successful trip...
Posted On 24 Feb 2023
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Year 4 Trip to the National Science and Media Museum

Team Foss have had an amazing day at The National Science and Media Museum in Bradford.  We explored the ‘Wonderlab’ and took part in lots of different science activities linked to light and sound. We had lots of fun in the ‘mirror maze’ but we had to put our hands out to stop...
Posted On 23 Feb 2023
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Pancake races on Shrove Tuesday

  We had a great afternoon on Shrove Tuesday with all classes taking part in pancake races on the field.  It was so good to see so many parents and family there to join us too! Thank you so much to everyone who could make it.
Posted On 22 Feb 2023
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Newsletter 10 February 2023

10th February 2023 Dear Parents/Carers, Well we have got to half term.  We have had a lovely week in school.  Yesterday our Trust CEO visited and spoke to children in all the classes.  She really enjoyed her visit and it was good for the children to share their learning. We...
Posted On 10 Feb 2023
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Newsletter 3rd February 2023

3rd February 2023 Dear Parents/Carers, Thank you so much this week to parents who could attend our parent forum and also who caught up with me about it.  We talked about our Personal, Social and Emotional Health and Relationship and Sex Education curriculum which I hope those who...
Posted On 03 Feb 2023
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Newsletter 27 January 2023

27/1/2023 Dear Parents/Carers, We have had a busy week in school with lots of exciting learning happening.  There have been Chinese New Year celebrations, Forest School learning, walks around our village and cooking with Phunky Foods as part of our research project, on top of all...
Posted On 27 Jan 2023
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