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New Restrictions update from Ebor’s CEO

Good afternoon Please read the attached letter from Ebor’s CEO, Gail Brown, in response to the latest government Covid-19 announcement. ParentLetter_newrestrictions_29Nov Thank you.
Posted On 29 Nov 2021
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School Update 29/11/2021

Good afternoon I hope you have all had a good weekend, albeit a bit blowy and cold. Thank you for meeting with teachers online last week for parent teacher meetings.  The teachers felt they were very positive meetings. I also wanted to update you on some staffing changes: Miss...
Posted On 29 Nov 2021
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Cross Country Superstars!

Over 40 children from KS2  made their way to Selby High School to compete in a Cross Country event. Everyone  was extremely excited to take part and this was some children’s first school sports event in over two years. Everyone who attended showed great enthusiasm, determination...
Posted On 25 Nov 2021
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School Update 22/11/2021

  Hi everyone, I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. We only have four weeks left of this term and I have no doubt it will be a crazy four weeks up to Christmas.  Fingers crossed everything we have planned can go ahead.   This week we have parent teacher meeting...
Posted On 22 Nov 2021
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Children In Need

We had an early ‘Children in Need’ day and raised an amazing £159.50!  Thank you so much to everyone for taking part and making donations.
Posted On 22 Nov 2021
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School Update 12/11/2021

Good afternoon everyone, We have had another busy week in school, finishing with an early ‘Children in Need’ day and a lovely assembly by all our nursery and reception children today. The term is getting busier with lots of activities over the next few weeks too as we all get...
Posted On 12 Nov 2021
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School Update 8/11/2021

Dear Parents/Carers, We had a really good week last week and on Friday children had a ‘Festival of Light’ focused day to finish off our first week back. We also met with all our new champions.  They had to apply to be a champion and are looking forward to their new...
Posted On 08 Nov 2021
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School Update 22/10/2021

Good afternoon everyone, We have had another busy week in school made extra special with our Zamble African Dance event on Wednesday.  I hope those parents that could make our assembly are not put off coming in again after joining in with the dancing! Nursery, Reception, Year 1...
Posted On 22 Oct 2021
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Zamble African Dancing

IMG_0460[1]   IMG_0497[1] We had a great time in school learning some African dancing as part of our Black History Week.  Everyone shared off their dancing, including teachers and parents!
Posted On 22 Oct 2021
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