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Newsletter 8th December 2023

Friday 8th December 2023 Brotherton on show! This week saw the performance of the annual Brotherton and Byram Christmas shows with a range of different Christmas performances from pupils in all three phases of the school. All the children performed with courage and energy; we are...
Posted On 13 Dec 2023
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Posted On 13 Dec 2023
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Newsletter 1st December 2023

Friday 1st December 2023 Our Year 6 Pupils are persuasive writers!  This week the children in Year 6 have been working hard on developing their writing skills. They have all worked incredibly hard on applying their writing skills to write a longer piece of work in the classroom...
Posted On 13 Dec 2023
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Newsletter 24th November 2023

Friday 24th November 2023 ‘Pupils get on well with each other and have a sense of belonging in this caring and nurturing community’  Hopefully this week you have had the opportunity to read our recent final inspection report following Ofsted’s visit on 18th and 19th October 2023....
Posted On 13 Dec 2023
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It’s Showtime!

This week saw the performance of the annual Brotherton and Byram Christmas shows with a range of different Christmas performances from pupils in all three phases of the school. All the children performed with courage and energy; we are so proud of all of them! A massive thank you...
Posted On 08 Dec 2023
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Feliz Navidad (Merry Christmas) from Brotherton and Byram Academy!

Mrs Sadullah has launched this year’s Spanish Christmas countdown calendar for the pupils of Brotherton and Byram Academy! There is a new ‘box’ to open every day during advent for the lead up to Christmas. On each day you can see a piece of learning that the...
Posted On 01 Dec 2023
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Newsletter 17 November 2023

Friday 17th November 2023 “STOP” –  BB is a safe school where children are able to thrive! This week we have supported Anti-Bullying week at school. On Monday, Mrs Jeff delivered assemblies to KS1 and KS2 and children were encouraged to wear odd socks to celebrate our...
Posted On 29 Nov 2023
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Newsletter 10th November 2023

Friday 10th November 2023   Creepy Crawlies spotted in Team Aire!! Creepy crawlies and minibeasts have been seen in Team Aire this week following the arrival of the super engaging ‘Zoo Lab’ team! Children in Year 1 had the opportunity to learn about a wide range of insects...
Posted On 12 Nov 2023
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