School Update 13.03.20
A Message from the Headteacher…
Dear Parents,
We have had a busy week in school with children representing the school in a netball competition, Sports Relief activities and parent teacher meetings. We have also had our Executive Head and CEO visit school and they were very impressed with our children’s learning and care for each other. It was so good to share the learning and opportunities we already have and are planning for our children.
I am sure this week everyone has been keeping a close eye on the news about the spread of Coronavirus. We are taking this very seriously in school and as a Trust. We have an updated letter from our CEO regarding actions we are taking as a Trust and we are following the Department of Education guidance fully in school. Letter from Ebor Academy Trust – Friday 13th March 2020 (please see the link on the letter sent from the Trust). There are also two useful government websites ( guidance for educational settings and self isolation guidance ) which are also available on the Ebor Trust website. We are also working on having a link to these on our website and will update you when this is available
I hope this reassures you but if you have any questions, please either come in and see me, or ring.
Many thanks and have a good weekend,
Mrs Fletcher
Our school target is 97%
This week our attendance was 95.88%
Nidd – 94.4%
Aire – 99.58%
Ouse – 94.29%
Derwent – 94.62%
Foss – 96.96%
Calder – 97.78%
Humber – 94.09%
For school dinners week commencing Monday 23rd March – please book on ParentPay by Sunday 15th March 2020. Please note that the ParentPay system allows a 2 hour period for payment of meal bookings otherwise the booking will be cancelled.
What’s Happening Next Week…
Thursday 19th March – Nidd and Esk Sharing Assembly at 2.50pm, please come and join us to share the children’s learning.
Friday 20th March – Mother’s Day Secret Room (£2 a present)