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Newsletter 9 June 2023

9/6/23   Dear Parents/Carers, What lovely sunny weather to finish the week!  I hope you all had a good half term break; it seems a lot longer than a week since we have come back. This week has been busy and I have no doubt it will be the same right up until the summer...
Posted On 09 Jun 2023
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Newsletter 26th May 2023

26/05/2023 Dear Parents/Carers, We have made it to the holiday after an extremely busy half term.  We haven’t stopped and finish today with a key stage 2 hockey tournament against other schools and Year 1’s sharing assembly so busy right to the end! I hope you all have a lovely...
Posted On 26 May 2023
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Newsletter 19 May 2023

19/05//2023 Dear Parents/Carers, It has been quite a couple of weeks! Last week our Year 6 children completed their SATs and showed such courage and resilience and tried so hard.  We are so proud of them. They have then been on their residential to Scarborough this week and have...
Posted On 19 May 2023
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Newsletter 5 May 2023

05/05//2023 Dear Parents/Carers, I hope you all had a lovely May bank holiday last weekend and are looking forward to our additional bank holiday this weekend for the King’s coronation. Thank you to all who came to our belated Mothers Day afternoon last Friday; we have had some...
Posted On 05 May 2023
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Newsletter 20th April 2023

20/4/2023 Dear Parents/Carers, Welcome back to our summer term.  The sun has started to shine a little bit more and it is definitely starting to get warmer which is good news after what feels like a very wet and cold winter and spring so far. It has been lovely to see the...
Posted On 25 Apr 2023
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Newsletter 24 March 2023

24/3/2023  Dear Parents/Carers, We have one week to go before our Easter break and have had a very busy time this term. This week children have been showing off what they have learned and are absolutely shining which is fantastic! Our Year 1 children had a very successful and fun...
Posted On 24 Mar 2023
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Newsletter 10 March 2023

10/03/2023 Dear Parents/Carers, What a snowy end to the week!  Children have had a great time in the snow this morning. It was good timing for a non uniform day too!  Thank you for all the donations children have brought in supporting our Year 6 pupil who is representing England...
Posted On 10 Mar 2023
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Newsletter 3rd March 2023

03/03/2023 Dear Parents/Carers, We are finishing our week on a high with our celebration of ‘World Book Day’ today.  It has been a great opportunity to share a love of reading and what everyone’s favourite book is.  Our whole day has been focused on reading and what is special...
Posted On 03 Mar 2023
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24/02/2023 Good afternoon, Welcome back, we hope you all had a good half term.   It has been great to have the children back in school this week and they have made a really good start to this half term’s learning.  This week our Year 4 children have been on a very successful trip...
Posted On 24 Feb 2023
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Newsletter 10 February 2023

10th February 2023 Dear Parents/Carers, Well we have got to half term.  We have had a lovely week in school.  Yesterday our Trust CEO visited and spoke to children in all the classes.  She really enjoyed her visit and it was good for the children to share their learning. We...
Posted On 10 Feb 2023
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